
Qixi shows the concept of marriage is loyalty, embodies  the pursuit of one’s ideal love.Compared to nowadays marriages, qixi festival conveys the importance of pure love.Also,the myth conveys a strong sense of responsibility for the love. Even though the distance between them is so far away and even unreachable ,they still keep their love stable and long.
Qixi somehow has some connection with Confucianism. Confucianism puts emphasis on one’s quality, not their social status, which Qixi myth totally reflects this.In the myth, Niulang is a poor kid who lost his parents when he’s young, but he has a kind and pure heart, which made Zhinv,the immortal, fell in love with him.
The Qixi myth shows the ancient Chinese men tilling the farm and women weaving culture.Also, it shows Chinese’s diligent traditional merit.
The core value of Confucianism is continuous effort and commitment. In the myth, Niulang tried everything to connect with zhinv. For the commitment, Niulang commit his moral and spirit into the love for Zhinv based on his loyalty.


Qixi is the festival express the willing of love. Qixi is also called “The Chinese Valentine’s Day”, People, no matter in West or China, on the day of expressing love, come out with their loved one to commemorate their unswerving love. Qixi has gradually become an opportunity to young people to get together. Qixi makes a great contribution to the way of expressing love and joy.

With the development of society, people give Qixi love stories, that’s why the festivals hold the expression of longing and pursuit for love. In fact, there are many festivals for couples in the world. Nevertheless, the themes of those holidays are the same, they are all expressing love. Love is a permanent topic to our human race. Love is in the couple’s day, and love is in everyone’s heart. On the day of lovers, people always have nice hope for love.Chinese Qixi is expressing the idea that people may pursuit and longing for a better love on that day.

Understanding the culture, we have to comprehend love culture, comprehending the love culture we have to understand cixi. They reflect the faith, ethics, morality, art, literature and others.Qixi provide us a chance to get mutual communication , mutual understanding and love for each other. We should be grateful to the history to leave us such glorious cultural heritage.

Cixi reflects the spirit of Chinese confucianism and glory of Chinese of the most prominent features of confucianism is the belief of the family, therefor, to Chinese people, the foundation of family-marriage is more important than love. AT the same time , the rational taoism makes people choose marriage in a rational way.

Qixi actually has a function of pushing the society forward in the Chinese history, for it became the source the internal thoughts. The cultural spirits of Qixi, which are Qiqiao(skills-begging) and Qifu(pray) build the society with a strong cohesion and they have became the real value and even the life of the nation.

Qiqiao(skill-begging) encourages people to seek for intelligence and wisdom, to innovate, to constantly strive to become stronger and to create a better life in order to promote the development of the society.

Qiqiao focuses more on people’s inner quality, but Qifu(pray) shows mroe on people’s aspiration of living in a better situation. Qifu, from the origin, is to pray for safety, happiness, harmony and peace, it fully reflects Chinese spiritual essence. In other words, Confucianism and Daoism both have the core value to seek for ‘balance’ and ‘harmonization’, (balance here can be everything balanced, like harmony and peace). So, harmonization culture is said to be the core value of Chinese spiritual culture.