Final Project

“Old Kicks New Tricks”

“Crazy Eights”


 “Games On Your Phone”

“Water into Wine”


Sometimes, there’s a piece of me that wishes life nowadays was as simple as my childhood. It seems like everyday moves faster than I expect, and it isn’t until the quietest moments that I realize how much change is yet to come. Change in school, change in friendships, change in how you see the world. When it gets too overwhelming, I seek solace in the memories from when I was younger. This time was naive, yet simple. Unrealistic, yet hopeful. I wanted my final project to be a personal reflection of what childhood was like for me. Through a series of objects that defined my youth, I explore nostalgia and what it was like to reminisce and let go. Although I’ve traded soccer balls for cameras, game systems for iphones, and juice boxes for red wines, I found that coming back to these items has reminded me of how far I’ve come. It’s less about the items I indulged in, but rather the feeling I got with them. I’ve come to realize that growing and changing doesn’t mean you abandon those feelings. It’s being 21 and finding what makes you feel as if you were 8 again.