Varuolo-Clarke, A., Medeiros, B., Reed, K.A., 2016: What are the roles of air-sea coupling and resolution for the Northeast Pacific stratocumulus to cumulus transition in the Community Earth System Model? SOARS Colloquium 2016, Boulder, CO.
Varuolo-Clarke, A., Medeiros, B., 2016: What are the roles of air-sea coupling and resolution for the Northeast Pacific stratocumulus to cumulus transition in the Community Earth System Model? SOARS Colloquium 2016, Boulder, CO.
Varuolo-Clarke, A., Medeiros, B., 2016: What are the roles of air-sea coupling and resolution for the Northeast Pacific stratocumulus to cumulus transition in the Community Earth System Model? SOARS Poster Session 2016, Boulder, CO.
Varuolo-Clarke, A., Medeiros, B., 2014: Investigating Climate Responses to Large Volcanic Eruptions in an Ensemble of Climate Model Simulations, Lyndon State College, Northeastern Storm Conference Oral and Poster Sessions 2015, Saratoga Springs, NY.
Varuolo-Clarke, A., Medeiros, B., 2014: Investigating Climate Responses to Large Volcanic Eruptions in an Ensemble of Climate Model Simulations, American Meteorological Society, Student Conference Poster Session 2015, Large Initial-Condition Ensemble Simulations for Climate Change Research, Phoenix, AZ.
Varuolo-Clarke, A., Medeiros, B., 2014: Investigating Climate Responses to Large Volcanic Eruptions in an Ensemble of Climate Model Simulations, American Geophysical Union, Annual Meeting Poster Session 2014, Large Initial-Condition Ensemble Simulations for Climate Change Research, San Francisco, CA.
Varuolo-Clarke, A., Medeiros, B., 2014: Investigating Climate Responses to Large Volcanic Eruptions in an Ensemble of Climate Model Simulations, SOARS Colloquium 2014, Boulder, CO.
Varuolo-Clarke, A., Medeiros, B., 2014: Investigating Climate Responses to Large Volcanic Eruptions in an Ensemble of Climate Model Simulations, SOARS Poster Session 2014, Boulder, CO.