Feb 9, 2018 @ Manhattan
Camera: Nikon D750
Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 24-120mm
“Montage” 2018. Credit Lorna Simpson.
I liked how Teju Cole valued and emphasize light and shadow in photography, especially shadow. I feel shadow is harder to control than light in photography because it’s a passive element. Photographers may be able to set the lighting, yet shadow has to be determined by the light. And when the hue is removed from a photo, light and shadow are among few things remaining to show the depth. Like “Montage” above, though there were minimum colors in the photo, the image still conveyed a strong message.
Source: Evoking What Can’t Be Seen
Camera: Nikon D750
Lens: AF-S NIKKOR 24-120mm
1. Correct exposure
2. Overexposure
3. Underexposure
4. Highest ISO setting
5. Lowest ISO setting
6. Correct White Balance setting
7. Incorrect White Balance setting
8. Incorrect White Balance setting
9. Shallow depth of field
10. Deep depth of field
11. Stopping (freezing) of rapid motion
12. Blurring of rapid motion
13. Standard (straight-forward) angle
14. Alternative angle of view
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