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Congratulations to Nancy Hollingsworth appointed to rank of Distinguished Teaching Professorship

One of the Stony Brook University faculty, Nancy Hollingsworth, is appointed to the rank of the Distinguished Teaching Professorship, which recognizes and honors mastery of teaching. For this prestigious tribute to be conferred, candidates must have demonstrated consistently superior mastery of teaching, outstanding service to students, and commitment to their ongoing intellectual growth, scholarship and professional growth, and adherence to rigorous academic standards and requirements. Further, a faculty member must have attained and held the rank of full professor for five years, have completed at least three years of full-time teaching on the nominating campus, 10 years of full-time teaching in the System, and must have regularly carried a full-time teaching load as defined by the campus.

Professor Nancy Hollingsworth is a scientist and teacher in the Department of Biochemistry & Cell Biology. Professor Hollingsworth is successfully combining teaching with having an active, funded research lab in which she uses genetics and biochemistry to understand meiosis with teaching genetics to students of all ages and types. She has been an outstanding and innovative educator for both undergraduate and graduate students, using techniques that engage the students, such as Interactive PowerPoint slides, Clicker questions, generation of question banks and discussion boards. She has the ability and mastery to take complicated biology topics and, using the Socratic Method, she allows the students to become masters of the material and fully understand the topics. Professor Hollingsworth maintains an open door policy for her students and is generous with her time and advice. At the same time, she maintains high standards for the rigorous courses she teaches. Professor Hollingsworth has received the Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching. Since that award, she has generated new question banks for her students and made her lectures more interactive. She has introduced rational mathematical-like explanations and analysis to her courses, an approach that impacts and enhances student learning. She has also initiated science lectures and biology topics in the local high schools where she devotes her time.

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Li, Huilin

In the past two years, we continued our NIH-funded research on cryo-EM structural biology. In Feb 2014, Huilin was invited to present a talk at a special cryo-EM symposium in Berkeley, California, in honor of his postdoctoral mentor Kenneth Downing, one of the pioneers in the field. In the same trip to the west coast, he gave a platform presentation on DNA replication at the 58th Annual Biophysics Society Meeting in San Francisco. In September 2014, Huilin co-chaired with Yifan Cheng at UCSF an international cryo-EM symposium and workshop in Shanghai, and witnessed very impressive advance of cryo-EM in particular and structural biology in general in China. In September 2015, Huilin presented a platform talk at the biannual CSHL meeting on Eukaryotic DNA Replication & Genome Maintenance. In the summer this year, Huilin is invited to present at the 3DEM Gordon Research Conference to be held first time ever in Asia (Hong Kong). He is also invited to present at another cryo-EM symposium in Beijing in the summer. Over the past year or so, he also gave departmental seminars at Ohio State University (Aug 2014), University of Colorado Denver (Jan 2015), Purdue University (Feb 2015), and University of Georgia Athens (Feb 2016).

Several people joined our lab recently. Ruda Santos is a graduate student in the BSB program. He is funded by a Brazil government scholarship. Ping Zhu joined us this year as a postdoctoral fellow, funded by the Chinese Scholarship Council. In September 2015, Kuan Hu, a fourth year graduate student in the BSB program, won Dr. Mow Lin Scholarship at BNL, for his outstanding thesis work on a novel Mycobacterium tuberculosis proteasome activator (Proc Nat Acad Sci 2016 in print). Additional lab members include undergraduate student Olivia Jie Hu, Ph.D. students Samema Sarowar and Zuanning Yuan, postdoctoral scholars Lin Bai and Hongjun Yu, and research scientists Hao-Chi Hsu and Jingchuan Sun.

Proteomics Facility

The Proteomics Center analyzes protein/peptide/small molecule samples with the help of mass spectrometry. The Proteomics technical staff measure intact masses of proteins/peptides/small molecules, identify peptides based on their sequence, and discover post-translational modifications. Comparisons of protein expressions between different samples are conducted. The center has four different mass spectrometers: a Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometer; a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer; a linear ion-trap mass spectrometer; and a high-resolution, high mass accuracy hybrid mass spectrometer with four different activation methods (Thermo LTQ Orbitrap XL with ETD). In addition, equipment for running 2D gel electrophoresis and analysis are also present. For additional information, services and fees please link to: