
I wanted to share some photos from the Between a Dog and a Wolf project that I edited out of the final selection. I excluded these from the final seven because either I felt like the quality wasn’t to the standard I was aspiring for, or the composition wasn’t as engaging. Not that a photo has to be perfect quality to be valid, but that is the sort of craft I am aiming for at the moment. Here are some unedited shots that I enjoyed taking! Photos are posted in the order that they were taken.

9/5 around 6:30am in my parent’s front yard. The moon 🙂

9/5 around 6:45am, Point Lookout.

9/5 around 8am, Point Lookout. Shallow depth of field is one of my favorite camera techniques. I like how dynamic it can make something simple like this, and for some reason I think my camera likes doing close-ups more than far-away shots.

9/5 around noon.

9/5 around noon.

9/7 mid-afternoon. This is a spot along one of our family dog’s favorite routes to walk. There is a creek behind the white flowers. When we were little, my siblings and I would wear rainboots and follow the creek to its end and back.

9/7 around 2:30pm. A lot of branches still around from the storm a couple weeks ago. I like looking at these crunchy leaves.

9/7 around 2:30pm featuring Blue the Dog! I took my camera with me whenever going on walks together.

9/8 around 9pm on Stony Brook campus. I always pass this spot on my way home from class. This was one of my favorite places to shoot at night, because of how many screens and street lamps light up the area.

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