
Storytelling – Narrative Sequence


Faced with the prompt of depicting a narrative, I appropriated some of the plot of my favorite book, Stages of Rot by Linnea Sterte. In this book, “an alien desert comes to life around the body of a dying whale.” Instead of translating this storyline directly, I wanted to think about rebirth and transformation because it is autumn. Autumn is my favorite time of year when nature dies and transforms. My route was photographing along Harbor Rd. near campus. The end of the road opens up to the water, and I felt the dense woods would contrast the clearing of the bay, creating a narrative effect. Beginning at Avalon Park there are many things to see along this road — trees, moss, vineyards, large houses, horses and swans, and the Long Island/Sewanhacky Sound. I began and ended the series with a photo of the same place because I hoped a circular narrative would make the story feel whole.

ISO 640 – F/22 – 1/80

ISO 240 – F/3.5 – 1/500

ISO 250 – F/5.6 – 1/200

ISO 100 – F/3.5 – 1/320

ISO 100 – F/3.5 – 1/500

ISO 320 – F/29 – 1/15