Sketchbook 4

^I don’t think this is going to work because it is moving fast and I don’t think it will work in a three-second limit. I am giving myself a three-second limit because I want to keep the file size from getting huge so that it can be sent by text and easily shared online. And so I don’t bite off more than I can chew with how much I will be able to animate.

I’m struggling a bit with this–figuring out the combo of pacing, spinning, and more petals growing out. Within the time limit. Something that helps me when I get stuck is thinking of a moment from a Hayao Miyazaki documentary where one of his animators was stuck and Miyazaki told him…if you can imagine it you can draw it…

Visualizing the petals splitting is helping. Even though this is a flower and of course flowers don’t grow like this, I feel like this is interesting because it is alien-like.

Ahh I am getting so frustrated. Photoshop keeps glitching and delaying the process. I am pacing the movement too slowly. I think the glitching is because my computer needs an update but I’m out of storage….

16. March 2021 by abmitchell
Categories: sketchbook | Tags: | Leave a comment

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