Now on display😎

Check out my piece displayed on the Stony Brook Fine Arts Organization’s Virtual Spring Exhibition! It will be up until May 2021.

My piece is a digital collage that I made using photos from last semester during Patricia Maurides’ Intro Photography class.

1000px x 1000px, 2021

A little blurb about it:

Last semester Bee was able to hone in on their photography skills in Patricia Maurides’ Introductory Photography class. From this experience, they were able to spend time outside in their neighborhood and around Long Island/Sewanhackey observing nature and the world around them. This was freeing for them as they got to hike and explore nature as inspiration for photography. Similar to how they synthesize their doodles and musings into more formal works, Bee began manipulating these photographs into digital collages.

With these collages, Bee expresses their fascination with their environment and the ability to reformat their external world into new compositions. This collage shows a surreal relationship between intricate and dark forces.

03. May 2021 by abmitchell
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