Design for Digital

Selected flyers from Pronto of Long Island Community Health Series educating the community on how to utilize powerful foods to enable long-term health.


Selected covers designed for Pronto of Long Island YouTube to communicate video content and entice all-ages audience.


Filmed, edited, and shared for Pronto of Long Island.

Created in Photoshop and After Effects.



Illustrated for the grassroots Rhode Island organization Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics (COYOTE) — a multifaceted organization fighting for safety and decriminalization of sex work through academic research, outreach to local and incarcerated communities, and education.  Created in 2020 to accompany research publication performed by COYOTE Director and Brown University on the negative impacts of sex work criminalization and anti-trafficking movements. Aimed at depicting sex workers with realness and agency.


Facebook & Twitter Ad for COYOTE RI, 2020



Active Minds Advertisement, 9″ x 14″, 2019

Designed for Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) to form a new campus chapter of the national organization for mental health advocacy Active Minds.

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