My project is based on insomnia. It is a combination of digital art and colored pencil on cotton pastel paper. It incorporates a few different elements of the condition…the first concept highlighted by this piece is how social media can exacerbate insomnia. Using technology is a common coping mechanism for insomnia sufferers, but can worsen things by allowing the brain to remain “on” and engaged, as well as causing more anxiety. Consequently, an unhealthy cycle is perpetuated. Another concept highlighted by the piece are some of the physical symptoms brought on by insomnia. One of those is elevated heart rate, which I expressed using an ECG rhythm that indicates tachycardia. Another is the “wide-open” appearance of the eye, which represents that this “always-on” feeling can begin to wear on a person’s overall functioning. If they are not getting enough sleep, they can suffer severe consequences that degrade their overall functioning.
Roth T. (2007). Insomnia: definition, prevalence, etiology, and consequences. Journal of clinical sleep medicine : JCSM : official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 3(5 Suppl), S7–S10.