

Occupational Wellness is:

is the ability to get personal fulfillment from our jobs or our chosen career fields while still maintaining balance in our lives. Our desire to contribute in our careers to make a positive impact on the organizations we work in and to society as a whole leads to Occupational Wellness.

Occupational Wellness Check:

This is a quick check of your intellectual wellness.

  • Do I enjoy going to work most days?
  • Do I have a manageable workload at work?
  • Do I feel that I can talk to my boss and co-workers with problems arise?
  • I have completed an internship in a career I am interested in?
  • Does my major match the things that interest me?

If you answered “no” to any of these question, you may need to focus on developing this dimension of wellness.

Resources on Campus:

Career Center

The Career Center at Stony Brook University exists to educate students about the career development process and industry options, empowering them to make informed career decisions. Prepare students for experiential learning (i.e. internships, co-op and community service), employment and further education. Connect hiring organizations with our diverse student talent.

Financial Aid

The Office of Financial Aid website has resources on how to get aid for school, summer aid, as well as loan counseling for after you obtain your education.

Academic Advising

Stony Brook University offers a full complement of academic advising resources for undergraduates. Support includes advising about general education, major, and minor degree requirements, as well as comprehensive communication aimed at promoting student success.