Author Archives: mbaumiller

Marta Baumiller


My Future Sarcophagus

We wake in the morning and leave our homes and we work, work, work, to keep the great global chain of procurement in place. Then we throw 40 percent of everything we just accomplished in the garbage. We can never get those hours back. Our children grow up, our bodies wane, and death comes to claim some of those we love. All the while, we spend our days making things for the purpose of discarding them.

Hope Jahren

Author, scientist; on food waste

From: The Story of More: How We Got To Climate Change and Where to Go From Here


After 6 weeks of unsuccessfully attempting to grow Plurotus Djamor mushrooms on a straw filled, life sized body form, ( details photos of mold and bacteria other than that of the pink oyster mushroom are available ) I have pivoted slightly away from the project thesis of Beyond Death Project. I was recently inspired by images of Niombo fabric coffins from the Sundi Congo regions of Africa and I decided to create a ceremonial garment made from plastic bags which wrapped my food and that I collected for the past year.                                                                          There is a form of exchange here of life and death, but it is not direct and the process of creating new forms of life will take much longer. The oversize dress coat has a sort of repugnant beauty, but the cycle of nature has been broken by humans. Even though some bags are supposedly biodegradable, their decomposition will take many years. In fact this gown will certainly outlast me, so perhaps I can get buried in it ? 

Hopefully at that time, the energy bonds can be loosened and the methane gasses produced by the decomposing plastics as well as my body may be able to heat the earth and other organisms and reduce global warming. I’m including some informational sources that say we may be heading in that direction with wax worms, heat or even water!

This piece is in support of all the innovation, as a solution to our global environmental dilemma.


Marta Baumiller