Omnidirectional natural light
f/9 1/13s ISO 200 85mm


Directional natural key light
f/2.8 1/15s ISO 200 85mm


Natural light aug.
f/2.8 1/13s ISO 200 85mm


Single artificial light
f/2.5 1/30s ISO 200 85mm


Single artificial light
f/3.2 1/13s ISO 200 85mm


Single artificial light
f/5.6 1/13s ISO 200 85mm


Multiple artificial lights – same color profile
f/5 1/13s ISO 200 85mm


Multiple artificial lights – mixed color profiles
f/1.8 1/15s ISO 400 85mm


Multiple artificial lights- mixed color profiles
f/1.8 1/15s ISO 400 85mm


f/5.6 1/40s ISO 200 85mm


f/5.6 1/100s ISO 200 85mm


f/5.6 1/100s ISO 200 85mm


f/3.5 1s ISO 500 85mm


f/3.5 1/20s ISO 500 85mm



3 comments on “ARS 381 – LIGHTING
  1. Hey Blake! I really enjoyed the photos you produced for this assignment. Your inclusion of refracted light was an interesting and enriching creative decision. You seem to lean towards warmer toned images, and I think its something you should consider pushing in further assignments as these tones greatly affect your narrative. Well done:)

  2. Hello, Blake!

    Just from the post’s thumbnail, I could tell this was gonna be good. I think your work here in its entirety is excellent, but your artificial and experimental light photos are particularly interesting to me. I appreciate the calm, comforting (or sinister and unnerving?) single light and same profile photos. I also think your multi-profile photos look almost cinematic- as if the metal idol (I *think* it’s an octopus?) is some kind of invaluable treasure that Indiana Jones is about to bust through the door to snatch.

    Your experimental use of lens flare- and the natural environment- is stunning, to say the least. But what I’m really curious about is your process for the last two photos, the ones that look like flames. At least one of them appears to be long exposure based on the metadata, but the other does not seem to be, yet looks quite similar- unless I’m mistaken somehow? I’m interested to know what light source you used for these.

    Brilliant work.

  3. Hi
    I was particularly drawn to your experimental photographs. Especially the ones with what looks like a yellow flame. Im interested to know what you did to achieve that photograph. What I also really liked was Multiple artificial lights – same color profile, the candles being in a straight line cuts the picture right across and makes the photograph more interesting to look at. Lets say you decided to clump all the candles together you would not have achieved the same effect. Good job.

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