Limitations of our designs include lack of accessibility and cost as the device has to be tailored to each patient’s body, which many patients and care centers may not be able to afford or acquire, many care centers and individuals may not be able to afford or have access to such a device. Another limitation is the requirement of personnel trained in acupuncture to help the patient operate the device, as proper usage of acupuncture techniques is crucial to its function. This limits the device to be a high end, expensive and time-consuming treatment method. However, future adaptations may expand the benefits of the existing treatment.
Alternatives & Addressing Limitations
One of the main issues with our design is the accessibility and affordability of the device. While the device itself is not necessarily the issue, it is mainly the equipment necessary. VR is a growing industry and to make our design affordable to patients of all statuses, we would try to reach out and establish connections with various VR gaming companies as well as medical insurance companies. Another limitation was the access to a trained acupuncture practitioner. While electroacupuncture is an ideal option for patients with more severe hemiplegia, without a trained acupuncture practitioner, they can still receive treatment: through electrical stimulation and therapeutic massages. Compared to the initial base treatment of electroacupuncture, the patient may receive more rounds of electrical stimulation and also some task-oriented mirror therapy. The device and VR game go hand in hand, but still needs to be tailored per patient based on their condition. However, with a doctor’s assessment, the patient should be able to receive a personalized treatment plan.
Comparison to Existing Treatments
Our design is different to already existing treatments because we combined electroacupuncture with three existing theories: mental imagery, mirror therapy, and electrical stimulation. Our treatment takes the most effective parts of each theory and combines them with VR gaming to create a personalized customization that is based on the patient’s severity of hemiplegia.