The figure above displays a fluid pump that inserts fluids through the glass channel, which is inside a microfluidic chip. The channel is molded with a silicon wafer and sealed to glass through the chemical PDMS. The inlets are formed with Tygon tubing.



  • Syringe Pump via Tygon Tubing to control and measure the amount of shear stress applied.
  • Small Mechanical Vacuum Piston to apply stress to the cultured cells
  • 50mm x 60mm Microfluidic Chip with glass channel to act as a perfusion chamber for microscopic analysis
  • Erlenmeyer Mask to filtrate the biochemical waste and excess that collects in the system.
  • Open Glass channel with a diameter of 15mm(dimensions of an artery) lined with cultured endothelial cells.
  • Inlet Tubes of 20 mm diameter that transport the fluid through and out of the glass channel
  • Cultured Human Umbilical Chord Endothelial Cells