A lower limb prosthesis refers to a prosthesis that replaces any part of the lower limb to restore the functional and/or cosmetic purpose of the lower limb. This may include artificial components that replace the hip, thigh, knee, ankle and foot.
Lower limb prosthesis can be traced back all the way back to the egyptian times. This technology has been advanced so that many people are able to do the things that they enjoy if they have experienced the loss of a lower limb, especially in sports. There are many athletes who have lost a lower limb and have been forced to stop doing what they love. With Lower limb prosthetics it is possible to fix this problem which is the main goal of our research. We want to be able to help an athlete play at the best level possible even with a prosthetic device. (Joel Garcia)
Due to the increase of diabetes in the upcoming years lower limb prosthesis is due to double by 2050. Lower Limb prosthesis patients exhibit increased risk for cardiovascular disease, anxiety, and depression. The lower limb prosthesis device in this generation is only used by people with higher socioeconomic status. Our goal is to create a device that can be used by all socioeconomic classes. We want to create a design that is effective and can be affordable for athletes. Athletes constantly struggle with on going pain, skin breakdown, and excessive sweating with the current prosthesis devices. With our Lower Limb Prosthesis devices we are trying to make athletes not feel uncomfortable when they are running. (Reynaldo Robinson)