Spring News Round-Up

The first great news from BookEnds: we received close to 60 applications this year! Thanks so much to all of the amazing and talented applicants for their interest in the program. We’re immersed in so much great reading.

We’ve also had some remarkably great news from our fellows and alums:

  • Vanessa Cuti had a short story featured in Best American Short Stories, a second story was included in the Distinguished BASS list as well. 
  • April Darcy is the recipient of a 2022 Individual Artist Award from the New Jersey Council on the Arts and the Mid-Atlantic Arts Foundation. April was also given an Honorable Mention for the Cincinnati Review’s Robert and Adele Schiff Award.
  • Alison Fairbrother’s BookEnds novel The Catch is forthcoming with Penguin Random House on June 21, 2022.
  • Daisy Florin’s BookEnds novel My Last Innocent Year is forthcoming with Holt in January 2023.
  • Kathleen Gibbons has been nominated for two Pushcart awards for her debut short story publications.
  • Haley Hach won Carve Magazine’s 2021 Editor’s Choice Award.
  • An excerpt from Maggie Hill’s BookEnds novel Hoops was published in Cleaver Magazine. 
  • Celine Keating and Greg Phelan are co-leading the Novel Incubator, a yearlong program offered by Project Writer Now, a writing studio Greg co-founded. As peer artist leaders, they are having a lot of fun drafting a new novel along with the 10 participants.
  • Sue Mell’s BookEnds novel Provenance is forthcoming with Madville Publishing on July 21, 2022. Sue also won the Chestnut Review 2021 Chapbook Prose Prize.
  • Coco Picard’s BookEnds novel The Healing Circle is forthcoming with Red Hen Press on August 16, 2022.
  • Jennifer Solheim was longlisted for the Granum Foundation Fellowship Prize.
  • Rachael Warecki had a MacDowell Fellowship in autumn 2021.
  • Dan White is launching a new literary journal called L’Esprit.
  • Nearly a dozen additional BookEnds fellows have found representation with agents, and are either on submission or will be very soon.

BookEnders are also busy at work with new works in progress, supporting one another through Zoom writing sessions, the alums monthly meetings and author events, giving each other advice, feedback and support on query letters and the query process, and—of course—through our BookEnds blog. We look forward to bringing you more great news in 2022!

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