My third project will be an inversion of light and color in an abstract drawing. In Dr. John Pollock’s presentation “Vision, Sleep, Dreams and Why Stories Matter,” stated that the cells in our retina translated colors and images as their opposite. I found it interesting that our brains then translated the opposite back to the original again. He also discussed that our brains replay the entire day’s events in fast-motion. I plan to record the day’s various colors and lights through photographs and journaling, then I will reverse them to their opposite colors, known as the after-images. The drawing itself is self-reflexive, only the colors will be talking to each other. I am inspired by Wassily Kandinsky’s self-reflexive paintings that he considered to be like music. The colors in his paintings harmonized and created their own symphonies. My symphony will be based on sleep. After recording the day’s variation of colors and light, I will perform this exercise at night while listening to only the nighttime and the people in my house sleeping. This will influence my process of making the colors relate and converse with each other on my substrate. For medium, the material I will be using is colored pencil.