Project 5: Portraiture

To Heart
I wanted a very simple depiction of self-appreciation, without the usual smiles and posture. I went for the simplest image I could think of.

I did, however, want a portrait with some recognizable human aspect. This came pretty naturally.

This is my friend Kenny. Suffice it to say he was ready to have his portrait taken; my role as a photographer her was a supplementary one. The portrait is meant to be a bare reflection of him, so my only influence here is the composition. Everything else is attributed to his person.

Continuing from the previous caption: he also wanted a somber, landscape photo. As this project continued I began to notice he had a sense of composition as well, and so that made my life much easier.

This is the stranger’s portrait, and one will notice that there is no human part visible here. I was visiting a friend’s dorm, and asked one of his suite mates for the photo – he requested a “portrait” of his desk, assuring me that it was enough to tell more about him than his own self could.

Desk, continued
I then asked him for his favorite one, to which he responded to the one above. When asked why, he replied that he essentially had that look on the majority of the time. I didn’t ask further.

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