Blog #3

For my media analysis, I’m using the commercial below called “Be Together Not The Same.” This commercial came out of Android’s 2014 ad campaign showing a clip of cartoon kids at school. This commercial was made and sponsored by Android themselves (and maybe Samsung), of course, and makes an argument to buy their phones by conveying a series of messages to the audience. The main point made is that all different types of people, even the sworn enemies of rock, paper, and scissors, can still be together and get along. This coincides with Androids operating system which supports all sorts of different devices, phones, tablets, etc., which are all customizable and unique in their own way. Android makes this positive statement to show how being unique and united is better than Apples straight cut phones and system, which are nearly identical.

To make this statement, I will argue that this commercial uses pathos and ethos to attract the audience, who is the general public. The commercial purposely appeals to just about everyone watching, its cartoon style can be more attractive towards a younger audience and the nostalgic music and school scene towards older people. The commercial can even be thought of as a comment on race issues as well. The rock, paper, and scissors stand up for each other regardless of what they are and how they are supposed to act and end up in a much better situation in the end. I will use this as the ethos appeal of the analysis. For the pathos argument, the bullying in the clip makes the audience emotional, a new ‘student’ getting picked on, and a rock kid being teased. And in the end, the audience is happy since the characters stood up for each other. Overall, Android uses this commercial to send a positive message to its viewers in the clip, and in turn, their phones.

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