My last social media post was on Instagram a few weeks ago, rather on my ‘finsta’. The post is a screenshot a post from Roller Hockey team’s Instagram of me on the rink and a caption showing my stats and the fact that I was playing in the all-star game. I captioned it “LOL d4 god” to joke that I was too good for division 4. I posted this photo to show only my close friends on Instagram since I only have a few followers on this account and don’t let others follow it. The way I wanted them to respond was by being amused by the fact that I play division 4 roller hockey and that I made the all-star team. My motivation to post on this outlets was that all my friends can see my Instagram posts, but not all can see my Snapchats. I didn’t use any hashtags, but I did put a fake location which was PyeongChang, where the Olympics were held this year. This is something I would post on Instagram because I really don’t go crazy on social media. I only want my friends to see my posts, and I really don’t care or want people I’m not familiar with seeing my posts.