Monthly Archives: May 2018

Class Reflection (Blog 15)

Coming into this course my second semester of college, I was initially nervous about the class. In high school, English has always been my least strong subject and writing was always tough. My initial goals for the semester were to complete the essays, do my work on time, and do as well as I could. As the semester went along, my writing felt my writing gradually improved. While working essays, I began to feel more comfortable making arguments, especially when explaining quotes. I thought the rhetorical analysis paper would come easily to me since I’ve written many previously, but this was the essay I had the most trouble in. My favorite skill I’ve gotten from this class is the ability to really see how people use rhetoric every day to send a message and convince others. Overall, I believe throughout this course my writing skills in general improved, which also helped me in other subjects I am currently taking. Not only this, but this writing class will impact my writing for the rest of my years at Stony Brook.