Camera Study Images

correct exposure: 9/19/18, 2:01:15 PM (f/5.6, 1/100, ISO200)
overexposure: 9/19/18, 1:51:34 PM (f/6.3, 1/8, ISO400)
underexposure: 9/19/18, 1:52:14 PM (f/9.0, 1/160, ISO100)
lowest ISO: 9/19, 1:44:41 PM (f/5.6, 1/50, ISO 100)
highest ISO: 9/19/18, 1:45:32 (f/5.6, 1/50, ISO1600)
correct white balance setting: (f/9.0, 1/125, ISO1600)
incorrect white balance setting: 9/19/18, 1:47:28 PM (f/5.6, 1/200, ISO 1600)
incorrect white balance setting: 9/19/18, 1:46:16 PM (f/5.6, 1/500, ISO1600)
shallow depth of field: 9/19/18, 2:17:16 PM (f/5.6, 1/80, ISO400)
wide depth of field: 9/19/18, 2:17:08 PM (f/5.6, 1/80, ISO400)
stopping rapid motion: 9/19/18, 1:56:51 PM (f/6.3, 1/400, ISO800)
blurring rapid motion (look at the water falling and compare to the previous photo): 9/19/18, 1:57:30 PM (f/16.0, 1/10, ISO200)
straightforward angle of view: 9/19/18, 1:59:26 PM (f/5.6, 1/125, ISO200)
alternative angle of view: 9/19/18, 1:59:44 PM (f/5.6, 1/100, ISO200)

84 thoughts on “Camera Study Images



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