Art Crawl Reflection

I participated in part of the Art Crawl, and what I saw was immensely creative. I was particularly moved by the art in the Paul W. Zuccaire Gallery. I had the opportunity to examine the art before it was explained by the artists, and they were all attention-grabbing and interesting.

One exhibition, I think it was called “Pillow Talk,” was especially interesting. The artist recorded the stories of people who have lived in places other than the U.S. and put their stories inside pillows. Each pillow was then affixed to the wall at the storyteller’s height. I thought it was moving and thoughtful. The artist explained that she herself was from China, and she explained an animation that she had set up that was meant to portray the fuzziness of memories, and the darkness that comes with feeling alone in a foreign country.

Another favorite was an artist’s project at a university in Oregon, I believe she said. She set up plastic lights on a stick (I included a picture below, with the artist in the background), that were solar powered, and lit up when the wind pushed them in one direction or another. I also liked another project she did, where she made a half circle of “moons” in New York City that were actually molded with the topography of the moon and absorb light so that they glow at night.

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