I really enjoyed his face in a hole project with the surrounding words about the individual. I did a semi-similar project where I took photographs of my friends and then had people fill in forms with words people described them by. I then surrounded their photos with those words. It is a great way to truly find out who people are and the perceptions that they give off to others. I found this to be similar for Duane Michals since he very big on the perception and “realness” of individuals. I have always been intimidated by portrait photography, especially of people who I don’t know. I find it super awkward and uncomfortable to ask people to be a subject, and Duane doesn’t seem to have any issues and is able to make a connection with all of his subjects in order for them to relax and show their full selves. He has a lightness to him which I find really inspiring. He knows what he wants to shoot and how the photos want to come out, and is able to articulate that to his models and subjects and really connect with them on a deeper level. I think this connection allows him to capture these photographs that he has put so much thought into.

Even the way he speaks and interacts comes off comedic. He always seems to be having a good time and being “free” himself. Yet at the same time everything he seems to do is very meticulous and has an underlying meaning. I feel that he truly is an “expressionist” like he claims because he cares more about obtaining a final product that is true an authentic by any medium, rather than just photography.

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