Monthly Archives: March 2018

NRHH General Body Cover Letter

Dear National Residence Hall Honorary E-Board,

With an extreme eagerness, I am writing to apply to become a member of the general body. With my extreme organization skills and dedication to work, I feel as though I would be an excellent member.
Not only do I keep everything neat and organized, each in their own special location, I constantly think of ways to make things more organized. In fact, in my nearly six years of volunteering and work, I have always put my organization skills to help the organization in which I was at becoming more organized.
Being a member would not only bring me closer to Stony Brook University, it would bring me closer to NRHH, friends, and even myself. It would bring me great pleasure to put all of my efforts into this wonderful organization, for being a part of a service organization has always been a dream of mine.
Previously, I have held many leadership and community service positions. For example, I volunteered at a local hospital in which my task was to keep track of, organize, and help develop programs for its patients. In doing so, I learned great organization, typing, listening, and communication skills. I also was an editor in my junior and senior year of high school, of which most of the time I led the group to put together a picture-perfect yearbook. Those skills I learned in my years of volunteering stuck with me to this day, and I would multiply those skills by several degrees as a member for NRHH. And it is because of this dedication that I feel that I would be an amazing addition to the NRHH team as this opportunity is not only exciting but also a privilege that would be a life-changing experience.

Benjamin M Donofrio

Teens Pave The Way!

Due to recent events in a Florida school, teenagers have had enough. They are starting to speak up for their beliefs and say “enough is enough.” David Leonhardt, a Yale graduate working as a journalist for nearly 20 years, wrote an Op-Ed piece about the recent school walk-outs to stand up against gun violence.
This article describes Leonhardt’s daily commute to work. He noticed many children standing up for themselves, noting the diversity of the brave students. Leonhardt noted their bravery and continued to explain his gratitude for them, tying their beliefs into his and relating them to future political elections.
Leonhardt conveyed his ideas in a few ways. He mainly conveyed his points through the use of facts and emotional appeals. Since the date was March 14, it was going to be an emotional day since that date was famous for being a nation-wide school walkout This alone made the day emotional, but when Leonhardt noticed that “many [students] were carrying signs. They were headed to a gun protest outside the White House,” you could infer that it was going to be a powerful day. He concluded his article by stating the logistics of the event, stating “the students held a 17-minute silence outside the White House yesterday to honor the 17 victims from Parkland, Fla” (Leonhardt). Leonhardt showing this fact about the walkout shows he has a background of why the students are walking out which could help some readers if they are unaware of why so many teenagers are protesting.

Works Cited

Leonhardt, David. “Thank a Teenager.” New York Times, 15 Mar. 2018.

Daylight Savings Time Saves Us All

  1. My topic is about daylight savings time. DST is either the addition or removal of an hour (spring ahead, fall back) in order to preserve daylight. My position is that daylight savings time is still necessary, for it has many health, economic, and ecological benefits. I chose this topic because I constantly hear my friends complaining about the time differences on daylight savings time and I want to argue that DST is necessary. I think it’s important to discuss this because it has so many benefits that people have no idea of them; they just hate on DST and continue to complain about it. One hour can make a huge difference in society. It may seem as though the addition or removal of an hour, twice a year, would not make a difference; however, that time change makes more than a difference. Starting in World War I, Daylight Savings Time was implemented in Germany to conserve fuel. The United States later followed Germany’s precedents and implemented it twice a year. Every spring an hour is added to the clock and every fall an hour is removed from the clock. The intentions of Daylight Savings Time were well thought out, as the event improves the ecosystem, economy, and one’s health. I will argue all of these relating to the economy, health, and ecosystem for it benefits all of them. For example, DST reduces fuel usage and therefore helps the ecosystem and economy. It aids in sleep and helps with health. I would think of counterarguments saying how not every country uses it and how its main purpose is not needed as much due to the increase of electricity.