A Political Attempt At Humor……

In posting my Halloween tweet, I attempted to target many people. At the time, it was around the time many politicians were running for president. I hoped that it would target humor-lovers for in times of stress from politicians. I hoped my audience would like and retweet my tweet, which they in fact did since i got over 150 retweets and 300 likes, my most popular tweet to date. I also hoped they would enjoy the humor of me saying that a Trump sign is as terrifying as a yard with scary decorations specified for Halloween. I decided to post this on Twitter because Twitter is the only place I believe is appropriate for humorous posts. Facebook is where my family is, and some of them would not approve of my political views. Instagram is more polished and isn’t the right place for humor. Snapchat isn’t necessarily the best place to post a long post like I did, so that only leaves twitter! The combination of a series of pictures along with the caption brings the post together. The caption added depth to the set of pictures by explaining that certain presidents can be scary at times, much like a scary halloween decorated yard. I believed this needed to be posted because at the time I was truly terrified of Donald Trump. I was scared he would take the rights away from many people and turn the world cold. So, to cope, I attempted humor in the form of a tweet. I hoped everybody would see the tweet. Even people who like Trump, I would want them to see it because it shows that even I have a voice.:)

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