Monthly Archives: February 2018

universe video McDuffee

The image of the string ray in the water really grabbed my attention. The whole concept of the video was how life and the universe came about.  Throughout the video there were a lot of images of taxidermy, so the contrast of the sting ray being alive and swimming in the ocean made me think of the themes of life and death. The sting ray is such a small part of the universe  and is only here for a limited amount of time so I thought it was beautiful to show the string ray in clear blue water swimming and doing what it is made to do. The images of taxidermy made me think about how although those animals are gone they are carefully preserved forever but are unable to fulfill their purpose anymore. We only have a limited time to make a mark on this earth so I thought the contrasts of those images really showed that we are supposed to make the most of it.

1..Underexposure (bracketing) (1/8000) 1.8 IS0 100

2.Overexposure (bracketing) (1/250) 1.8 ISO 100

3. Correct Exposure (Bracketing) (1/1600) 1.8. ISO 100

4. High ISO 1/125 4.0 IS0 400

5. Low ISO 1/2500 4.0 IS0 400

6. auto white balance setting 1/1000 1.8 IS0 100

white balance daylight 1/1600 1.8 IS0 100

cloudy white balance 1/2500 1.8 ISO 100

Tungsten light 1/2000 1.8

White fluorescent light white balance settings 1/2500 1.8

shade white balance settings 1/2000 1.8 IS0 100

7 slow shutter speed 4″ 7.1 ISO 100 (  I have to do the fast shutter speed example)

8. Slow shutter speed 4″ 10 ISO 100

9. Narrow Aperture 1/60 IS0 640

10. wide aperture 1/2000 1.8 IS0 100

11. Standard angle of subject 1/80 4.0 IS0 400

12. alternative angle of subject 1/80 4.0 IS0 400