City College of New York Senior Design Project
The goal of my teams senior design project was to build a 3D bioprinter to replicate trabecular bone with a resolution of 5 um or better. The Cardoso lab gave us micro CT scan of mouse trabecular bone to replicate for their in vitro experiments involving bone mechanics. Our printer should produce a biocompatible and cell friendly bone structure . We created a digital light processing (DLP) printer that utilizes a projector to display trabecular bone slices on top of a light sensitive resin. The bone was printed layer by layer in this method. The image of the bone was concentrated with a series of lens to decrease the size of the image until the resolution of the image was 5 um or less. The resin was slowly pumped into the resin basin on the side with a syringe.

My team at the end of the year senior design presentation with Dr. Cardoso and teaching assistance Shivang Sharma