A Frog Named Virginia

Finishing by True Names by Vernon Vigne.  This frog made me think of the Fed named Virginia.  I bought this book about five years ago and never read it.  Found it again after I moved to my new apartment, put it next to the bed, and did not read it until yesterday, after I finished We Are Anonymous:  Inside the Hacker World of LulzSec, Anonymous, and the Global Cyber Insurgency by Parmy Olson.  I picked up True Names, started reading, and thought that’s a coincidence (the main character is sniffed out by Feds and has to spy on his cyberspace coven, like Sabu).  Both are great books, by the way.  True Names is a bit romantic, but it was certainly on to something…and it was supposedly set in 2014.

Thanks to Raphael Quinet for the froggy image.

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