Resurrecting the Blavatar


The last time I wrote in here, I was fixating on avatars.  Since then, I’ve linked up with the Diabolus group (a Ning site), initiated by CARP, a group of international artists associated with Second Life.  They are responsible for one of the most amazing builds/spectaculars ever in SL, besides maybe the King Tut’s tomb exhibit–a staged remake of Metropolis. They’ve done a beautiful, and credible, job of restaging the film in SL, and they ran this every Sunday during the summer, with avatars performing live in front of an audience of avatars.  In others words–live in SL.  The Ning social networking group, Diabolus, was begun by Velaquez Bonetto, a founding member of CARP, and is mainly a showcase for SL photographers, but also for machinima and other projects.  Debbie Trilling, a dancer and multimedia artist, is the major artistic force behind the project.

When I saw Metropolis, the star was Josina Burgess, a watercolor painter and multimedia artist whose latest exhibit is featured in this photo.

Visit Diabolus here:

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