Rachel Korn on “Today” on NBC

I wasn’t impressed with Rachel Korn’s interview on the “Today” show this morning. Ms. Korn wrote a book titled “How To Survive Getting Into College,” which is excerpted on the show’s Web site. I’m not saying I completely disagree with what I had to say, but I definitely think that parents and students — but admittedly, it’s mostly parents — get way too worked up over the college admissions process. I know it’s an important step, but there are thousands of options out there, and there’s probably more than one — or really, more than a hundred — campuses that are a fit for you.

I’m not saying you should apply to a hundred schools, but you need to be aware of all your options. There’s a lot that goes into the decision: location, academic program, activities, life on campus, athletics, etc., but you can’t get carried away with it. I don’t have time to go into a ton of detail right now, but I’ll address this topic more in the coming weeks as we get into application season. I’ll also address the kinds of questions you should never ask a college rep, and instead replace them with the questions you should ask.

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