eRecruitment Web Forum on February 17

Our friends from College Week Live are hosting an eRecruitment Web Forum on Wednesday, February 17, from 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm. It’s quite a star-studded lineup that I’ve been asked to join, including Fritz McDonald from Stamats, Rachel Reuben from SUNY New Paltz, and Brad Ward of BlueFuego.

Please take some time to join us that day. It’s free, and you can register online here. Hope to “see” you there!

One Comment

on “eRecruitment Web Forum on February 17
One Comment on “eRecruitment Web Forum on February 17
  1. It is the end of Feb and my daughter still hasn't heard anything from Stony Brook. the status says:"Your application is complete. The admissions committee will be making a decision shortly".
    Should we worry?

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