Wrapping up the semester!

Did you know that during 2018-2019, 22.6 billion pounds of coffee was produced globally (Worldwide Coffee Production, n.d.)?

Cup of coffee and coffee beans
Jmacarthur0417, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Coffee and caffeine may be what are getting us through to the end of the semester and the holiday season! We here at CELT have our coffee (and tea) brewing, and are ready to support you as we wrap up this semester and prepare for the next! If you would like to chat about your experiences this semester and what you might like to make some changes to your course  moving forward, send us an email to set up a consultation! 



Worldwide coffee production. (n.d.). Statista. Retrieved November 25, 2020, from https://www.statista.com/statistics/263311/worldwide-production-of-coffee/


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