Inclusive Teaching Panel Discussions

Did you attend our Inclusive Teaching Panel: Antiracist Pedagogy in Action, on Monday, February 22? If not, you can watch the recording or the recording of any of our past Inclusive Teaching panels on our Inclusive Teaching website. It was a great discussion and as our panelists shared, college is an opportune time for students, faculty, and staff to have these types of paradigm-shifting conversations! 

Some other takeaways presented at the panel:

  • Read authors coming from a critical theory perspective
  • Self-reflect on positionality in relation to systems of power and privilege
  • Look at course design, curriculum, representation, research activities
  • Collaborate to design new systems at organization levels

Join us for our next CELT Panel discussion coming up on Tuesday, March 16 at noon ET: A Case Study in Organizational Change: SB School of Health Technology Management Addresses DEI.

Please register prior to the event. 

A huge thank you to Carol Hernandez and Catherine Scott who have made these events possible!

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