Meet CELT! Rose Tirotta

Get to know CELT better! This week we find out more about Rose Tirotta, Director.

Rose TirottaWhat is your favorite part of your job?

How can I choose just one?! I love working with faculty and staff on innovative projects around teaching and learning, but also like to take the time to reflect on the data we collect and explore what we can offer to better support and collaborate with folks across campus!

What did you do prior to working in CELT?

I started my career as a high school English teacher, but most recently was at Hofstra University for over 13 years prior to joining CELT.

Coffee or tea?

I love, love, love coffee, but am always up for some herbal tea as well…after my coffee 🙂

Where would you like to visit (real or fictional)?

I’ve been to Walt Disney World in Florida and Disneyland Paris, but I’d love to visit the rest of the Disney parks across the world!

What was the last book you read? 

The Light of Lunar Park by Addison Armstrong

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