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Gamified Learning

By Luis Colón
Instructional Designer

When we think of “games,” many of us think of activities that we normally spend our free time doing. We might think of playing sports, dusting off a board game and getting competitive with family and friends, or even the times we’ve spent in front of a new video game. These activities may seem like a “waste of time,” but instead, the concept of gamification helps us reframe playing as learning. It might be difficult to see the connection between playing games and learning  because for so long the activities have served different roles in our lives. Is it possible for effective learning to occur while playing games?

Monopoly game pieces on a game board.
Playfulness can be sparked in the process of learning.

Gamification, or the application of elements commonly found in games to other topics and activities, is something that most of us have actually experienced before. In fact, many well-known companies have incorporated elements of gamification into their business model. One example is Starbucks, which has an app where customers gain points and rewards that can be redeemed on purchases. Another example is Nike and its Nike Run Club app, which give users incentives such as award badges and achievements for reaching fitness goals and important milestones. These are just some ways that companies use elements commonly found in games to attract new customers and keep them as engaged and excited as possible.

If businesses can incorporate elements of gaming into their approach, could the same be done with teaching and learning? Absolutely! In fact, gamified learning is gaining popularity and results have shown that learners are more invested and likely to engage with learning content when a gamified approach is taken. For example, a 2018 systematic review of the literature study conducted by Subhash and Cudney at the Missouri University of Science and Technology found that in many cases the adaptation of a gamified framework led to an improvement in attitude, engagement, performance, and retention among learners.

Two people playing a game where they stack wooden blocks into a tower.
Fun and games and learning?

A more recent 2022 study used the theory of disruptive innovation to explore student satisfaction in 18 college courses that used  gamification and a social media- like platform. Participants in the study reported feeling engaged, welcomed feedback, and said they enjoyed the communication and collaboration that the platform allowed. One of the most popular examples of a gamified learning experience is the Duolingo app which is used for language learning. Users are awarded experience points after each lesson and, rewarded for streaks of consistent engagement. The competitive leaderboard displays the top score and keeps players engaging  to stay at the top.

So, how can you add gamified elements to the learning experience? Miller et al. (2021) discuss multiple additions and/or adjustments that can be made to a course or course content to give it a more gamified look and feel in their book, Game Based and Adaptive Learning Strategies. Some of these include:

  1. Modify the Vocabulary – In some cases, much of what is already done in a course can be renamed in a way that will be more game-like. A module can be a level or world. Grades can serve as XP (experience points) or currency. An assignment sounds way more exciting when it’s called a quest.
  2. Provide Context – Some of the best games of all time are not only fun but are great examples of storytelling as well. Consider what the overall goal is and what you want learners to do. Will your learners be superheroes trying to thwart an evil villain or explorers on a mission to space? Whatever it is, be sure to have a strong and consistent story throughout the learning experience.
  3. Create Diverse Assignments – No matter how much fun a game is, eventually it can become repetitive and cause the player to lose interest. By planning and creating different types of assignments and learning experiences, you can keep learners engaged and on their toes for what might come next.
  4. Be Prompt and Consistent – In a game, we often know where we stand as soon as the level is over, which gives us a sense of accomplishment. We can carry that into our teaching practice by providing useful feedback, updating grades, and offering assistance as often as possible to keep learners motivated. 

Taking the time to incorporate some of these tweaks to your course content can be a great way to add a new and exciting dimension to your teaching. Gamification is everywhere in our everyday lives and with a growing amount of research to support its effectiveness in the learning environment, it is clearly a strategy to keep in mind when organizing and developing dynamic and exciting learning experiences.   


Ensmann, S., & Whiteside, A. (2022).  ‘It helped to know I wasn’t alone’: Exploring student satisfaction in an online community with a gamified, social media-like instructional approach. Online Learning, 26(3).

Subhash, S., & Cudney, E. A. (2018). Gamified learning in higher education: A systematic review of the literature. Computers in Human Behavior, 87, 192-206.

Miller, C. L. and Batsaikhan, O. (Eds). (2021). Game-Based and Adaptive Learning Strategies.  Mankato, MN:  Minnesota State University, Mankato. Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License CC BY 2021.

Inclusive Teaching

Do you have an example of an inclusive teaching practice, assignment, assessment, or other strategy that you would like to share with instructors across the State University of New York system?

The SUNY FACT2 Inclusive Teaching Task Group is interested in learning more about faculty engagement and experience with inclusive teaching and learning practices.

They are looking for faculty who are using inclusive teaching techniques and are willing to share their success across SUNY, so that other faculty might be inspired to engage in new inclusive teaching techniques in their own courses. The Task Group will be creating an online repository of these examples and highlighting a few in the FACT2 Inclusive Teaching Webinar Series coming in Spring 2023: April 6, 13, 20, 27 at 1-2 p.m. ET.

 Some examples of this could be:

  • Inclusive Syllabus – examples of faculty on campus using the syllabus to set the tone for diversity and inclusion to create a welcoming environment for students.

  • Teaching the Controversy – examples of faculty on campus integrating diversity-related controversy in the field/discipline as part of the course content and/or learning activities.

  • Social Justice Assessment – examples of faculty on campus that are using social justice platforms for assessment techniques to determine student learning in the course.

This is by no means a comprehensive list. We are really looking for any innovative ways faculty are incorporating and assessing inclusive teaching practices into their students’ learning.

Please complete the Inclusive Teaching Survey and/or share the names of 1-2 faculty on your campus who are using innovative methods to be inclusive and, where appropriate, forward this information to individuals who are champions of inclusive teaching.

While it is anticipated that this form will remain running, if there is interest in being considered as part of the FACT2 Spring Inclusive Teaching Webinar series, please respond to the survey by Friday, March 3, 2023.

Thank you for your time,

Carlos R.A. Jones and Audeliz (Audi) Matías,

Co-chairs of the FACT2 Inclusive Teaching Task Group


VR in Your Classroom

By Jenny Zhang, M.S.
Instructional Designer

Why VR?
Virtual Reality (VR) is a technology that allows a user to interact with a computer-simulated environment, which can be either a simulation of the real world or an imaginary world (Mandal, 2013). The particular  features of VR are immersion, interactivity, and presence (Lin, 2020) .

To be more precise, there are four virtual technologies, Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR), and Extended Reality (XR). Here are some brief descriptions: 

  • AR adds digital elements to a live view. 
  • VR implies a complete immersion experience that shuts out the physical world. 
  • In the MX experience, which combines elements of both AR and VR, real-world and digital objects interact.
  •  XR is an umbrella term that covers AR, VR, and MR. Often the term XR is used interchangeably with VR to describe the above-mentioned technology. 
Person wearing a virtual reality headset.
CELTT can work with you to design your VR project based on learning objectives and subject matter, provide tutorials, and integrate VR components with your Brightspace course.

In recent years, Meta introduced the more affordable headset, Oculus Quest 2, which makes it feasible for higher education institutions to use VR in their classrooms, online or onsite. VR can improve student engagement, social interaction, community building, immersive learning, group activity, and inclusiveness. Many universities have already used VR for lab simulations, virtual field trips, virtual museums, language learning sessions, creative studios, and online avatar-based activities. Research shows using VR in higher education can be beneficial and when well-implemented, can support student engagement and success (Majchrzak et al., 2022). The immersive VR learning experiences can spark student interest, motivation, and engagement (Flynn & Frost, 2021).

The 2022 Global Market Report on Virtual Reality in Education indicates VR in the education market is projected to increase from $6.37 billion in 2021 to $8.66 billion in 2022. (Virtual Reality In Education Global Market Report 2022, n.d.). The growing demand for immersive learning for students shows an increasing interest in adding VR into college classrooms. 

CELT’s Pick

In the beginning of Fall 2022, the Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT) held a VR open house titled “Teaching Tips and Treats with CELT: Immersive VR demo,” in which we showcased four VR tools that we handpicked, and provided our audience with the chance to try them out in person. Here is a summary of the four VR tools.

  1. Quick and Easy Solution for Virtual Field Trip – 360° ° photos

The first and easiest one to implement is the 360°  photo. This technology has been around for a while, and the equipment (360°  camera) and hosting platform are readily available and affordable. The 360°  video creates an immersive static learning environment for students, ideal for demo classrooms, museums, labs, art galleries, campuses, or any worldwide location. The instructor can take a 360°  photo and upload it to a web platform, and share the link with students easily. There are also existing 360°  photo resources available, like 360° cities. Students access the web link through a web browser using their computers or tablets/phones or view it with a VR headset. If you are interested in using it for your class, CELT would gladly help you capture your 360°  photos and embed them into your Brightspace course. 

Check out the embedded 360°  photos: CELT and Faculty Commons VR Tour

  1. Cross-platform 3D social learning space – is like a 3D version of SecondLife; it is a cross-platform 3D space for VR headset users, computer users, and smartphone users. The frame is the easiest way to create an interactive virtual reality classroom. Instructors can demo their 3D models, upload files (videos, pdfs, slides, images, and audio), share their screens, stream their live lectures, use a collaborative whiteboard, add a poll, and chat via text or voice. It even has a live closed caption feature. Students can control their avatars to walk around, chat with other students, write on the whiteboard, and play basketball games with peers. 

Capacity: 30 people per frame
Cost: free

Please visit CELT at FrameVR and have some fun!

  1. Mixed Reality 3D virtual design powerhouse  – Gravity Sketch

Gravity Sketch is an intuitive 3D design platform for cross-disciplinary teams to create, collaborate, and review in an entirely new way. It integrates images & 3D assets with textures and materials. The app works cross-platform with iPad and computer. Students can collaborate with 3 other people synchronously. 

Capacity: individual mode or 4 people collaborate mode
Cost: free

  1. Virtual Reality Meeting Room – Meta Horizon Workrooms

Horizon Workrooms is a collaboration platform that allows teams to gather in a virtual space, using VR or the web, and engage in productive activities through whiteboards, VR workstations, calendar apps, file sharing, chat, and other virtual replicas of office tools. The function and user interface of  Workrooms are quite sophisticated, and it can integrate seamlessly with computers and keyboards. 

Capacity: 16 people in VR, or up to 50 using a combination of VR and video chat
Cost: free

There is a plethora of VR technologies available, so how do you pick and choose the VR tech tools that suit your needs? We would recommend the following rules of thumb: 

  • Does the technology serve your learning objectives?
  • Does the technology allow group activities and collaboration? 
  • Is it user-friendly, accessible, and inclusive? 
  • Is it cost-effective? 

Based on that, we picked up four VR-related technologies for demonstration. 

How to get involved?

If you are interested in exploring the use of VR in your classroom or simply want to experience VR, CELT is here to help. We can work with you to design your VR project based on learning objectives and subject matter, provide tutorials, and integrate VR components with your Brightspace course. In the meantime, feel free to reach out to us if you are interested in initiating and/ or collaborating on research projects in VR. If you have any questions, we can be reached at

Moreover, join our Yammer CELT VR community for more conversation on VR!


Flynn, C., & Frost, P. (2021, April 16). Making VR a Reality in the Classroom. EDUCAUSE Review.

Lin, Q. (2020). Application and development of virtual reality technology in artificial intelligence deep learning. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 740(1), 012151.

Mandal, S. (2013, April). Brief introduction of virtual reality & its challenges. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 4(4).

Majchrzak, T. A., Radianti, J., Fromm, J., & Gau, M. (2022). Towards routinely using virtual reality in higher education. ScholarSpace, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa.

Virtual reality in education global market report 2022. (n.d.). The Business Research Company- Global Market Report.




Writing to Learn in STEM

By Kimberly Bell, Ph.D.
Teaching Assistant Development Specialist

Writing to Learn (WRL) is a pedagogy approach that incorporates short low-stakes written assignments, peer-review, and feedback to help students gain conceptual understanding. A literature review of more than 200 studies that reported using WTL strategies in STEM courses summarizes that this approach has been shown to help students meet learning objectives related to content knowledge, conceptual understanding, scientific method, critical thinking, effective communication, metacognition, and professionalization (Reynolds et. al., 2002). Despite the evidence, WTL is still not as widely used as it could be.
Join us this Wednesday for a panel discussion with faculty that have used WTL in their STEM courses. 

Writing to Learn in STEM Panel Discussion
Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2022 at 1 p.m. ET.
In person: CELT Faculty Commons E1332 Melville Library and Zoom

Register today!

(Coffee and cookies provided in the Commons.)
You can also join us on Zoom.


  • Mona Monfared, Associate Professor of Teaching, Molecular & Cellular Biology, UC Davis
  • Ginger Shultz, Associate Professor, Chemistry, University of Michigan
  • Joi Walker, Associate Professor, Chemistry, East Carolina University

Research from Ginger Schultz’s group provides advice for implementing WTL widely in high enrollment introductory STEM courses (Finkenstaedt-Quinn SA, 2021). 

Student in a lab coat with a microscope and taking noets.
Research shows that using Writing to Learn strategies in STEM courses helps students gain communication and critical thinking skills.


Finkenstaedt-Quinn SA, Petterson M, Gere A, Shultz G. Praxis of Writing-to-Learn: A Model for the Design and Propagation of Writing-to-Learn in STEM. Journal of chemical education. 2021;98(5):1548-1555. doi:10.1021/acs.jchemed.0c01482

Reynolds JA, Thaiss C, Katkin W, Thompson RJ Jr. Writing-to-learn in undergraduate science education: a community-based, conceptually driven approach. CBE Life Sci Educ. 2012 Spring;11(1):17-25. doi: 10.1187/cbe.11-08-0064. PMID: 22383613; PMCID: PMC3292059.

60 Seconds With CELT

By Carol Hernandez, Ed.D.
Senior Instructional Designer

The CELT team has expanded and relocated. Come see us in our new office suite located in Melville Library, W-3519.

We have some new team members, new areas of research and new ways to apply teaching and learning excellence to your instruction. Watch the video and get to know us. Reach out  by email:

60 Seconds With CELT

How can we collaborate with you? Here are a few ways:

  • Syllabus review: Are your learning outcomes measurable? Do they align with your assignments and assessments?
  • Active learning: Are you getting students engaged with the course content and each other?
  • Inclusive teaching: Are you creating opportunities for learners to feel that they belong and can succeed in an academic space?
  • Online teaching: Are you building a community where students feel that learning is a team effort?
  • Teaching with technology: Do you know how to pick the right tools for your teaching goals?
  • Virtual learning: How can you harness the virtual space to take your students to places and experiences that go beyond the physical limitations of space and time?
  • Research of teaching and learning? Got an idea that you want to work on for publication? We can work with you!

Creating Community in the Online Classroom

By Carol Hernandez, Ed.D.
Senior Instructional Designer
Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT)

Teaching online requires a reconceptualization of how you will design and deliver your course.

CELT can walk you through all the steps to get your course ready for the online platform. And we can show you ways to create a sense of community where students interact with you, the course content, and (perhaps most importantly) with each other. In a well-designed and well-delivered course, both you and your students will walk away feeling seen, heard, and engaged.

A man drinks coffee and works with a woman who is typing on a computer.
Building a great online course takes some time, but CELT can help.

Join us for the Online Teaching Certificate Course, which starts October 11. You can take it in the 5-week format or the accelerated 2.5-week format. Both are live facilitated by the CELT team members. These multi-week online courses will provide you with basic pedagogical, research-based practices specific to the online space and will assist you in planning instructional activities for your course.  We will not focus on how to use Blackboard or Brightspace, but rather how to best use technology to meet your pedagogical goals. These courses will be delivered asynchronously online with one optional synchronous session.

  • OTC: This is a 5-week asynchronous course. Plan on spending 3-4 hours per week with assignments due weekly. We suggest logging on 4 times/week during this course.
  • OTC Accelerated: This is a condensed, 2 1/2-week version of the OTC. Plan on spending 6-7 hours weekly with assignments due every 2-3 days. We suggest logging in daily during the course.

Review the OTC Syllabus (subject to change)   |   Sign up for an upcoming workshop!

Have you taken the OTC? Have any questions? Leave a comment below.

Rethinking Office Hours

By Devon Coutts, Ph. D. Candidate
Student Instructional Assistant
Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT)

When I was a teaching assistant, students often came to meet with me. Sometimes, especially before exams, there were so many that I had to offer additional sessions and bring in extra chairs to accommodate them all. But when I became an instructor, that changed. Suddenly, students rarely came in. And when they did, the meetings would be brief, lasting only the time it took for me to answer a question or two. I began to wonder: what happened? Why did my students stop coming? It could have been because they felt intimidated by my new role as an instructor, or because my office hours conflicted with their other classes. Or, perhaps my students did not believe that attending office hours would benefit them? 

Two women sit and face each other in an office.
Are students coming to your office hours?

Mine is not an isolated experience. Overall, faculty report that students don’t come to office hours. However, research shows that both students and instructors benefit greatly from interactions outside of the classroom. Building positive relationships with instructors personalizes the learning experience, and encourages students to succeed in all of their courses. Conversations during office hours are less structured and more spontaneous than lectures, and can generate new research opportunities and insights into the course material on both sides of the discussion. At the same time, the instructor is gaining experience in the art of teaching–and more importantly how to revise their teaching practice to connect with learners.

There are several reasons why students don’t come to office hours. Griffin et al. (2014), noted that the most important determining factors include things like perceived convenience of the office hours, the course level, or whether the course is required or an elective. In a recent National Public Radio story (Nadworny, 2019) students described office hours as “‘intimidating’ or ‘terrifying,’ ” because attending office hours means “talking to the smartest, most powerful person you know.” Because of such anxieties or the perceived inconvenience of attending, some students prefer to email, to ask questions during class, or to meet with a TA instead. In a research article titled, “Office hours are kind of weird:” Reclaiming a resource to foster student-faculty interaction, the authors studied survey responses from 625 undergraduate students and found that oftentimes students do not really understand what office hours are for or why attending could benefit them Smith et al. (2017).

So, how can instructors take a more active role in encouraging students to seek meetings outside of class? One option is to require students to come to office hours as part of their grade. An instructor who takes this approach assigns 5% of the final grade and requires students to complete two one hour office visits with him, the TA, or one each. In an editorial for Inside Higher Ed, the instructor explained his approach and reported that many of his students said they found it very or extremely useful (Nowak, 2021). Another option is to reframe office hours as tutoring sessions or review (Joyce, 2017). “Tutoring” has a clearer purpose than the traditional, open-ended “office hours,” and its benefit for students needs no explanation. Alternatively, holding office hours in public spaces on campus, in libraries, cafes, or even in the hall outside of class, can help students feel more comfortable approaching professors for help. Offering virtual sessions can also be a good way to make office hours more accessible to students whose schedules prevent them from attending in person. 

As instructors, if we want students to take advantage of office hours, then we ought to make it clearer to them why office hours are valuable. However, raising student interest in attending office hours is only one part of it: instructors also need to make an effort to anticipate student anxieties and be available to meet with students. 

The approaches mentioned here offer a few ideas that instructors can think about for restructuring their office hours to make them more accessible. In my next few posts, I’ll explore the barriers preventing students from attending office hours, and discuss ideas for instructors looking to restructure their office hours in greater detail.

How do you approach office hours? If you have any suggestions, please feel free to leave a comment.  Join us for a CELT Inclusive Teaching Discussion Panel on Wednesday, Oct. 19 at 1 p.m. ET.


Questions: Carol Hernandez, Ed.D.


Griffin, W., Cohen, S. D., Berndtson, R., Burson, K. M., Camper, K. M., Chen, Y., & Smith, M. A. (2014). Starting the conversation: An exploratory study of factors that influence student office hour use. College Teaching, 62(3), 94-99.

Joyce, A. (2017). Framing office hours as tutoring. College Teaching, 65(2), 92-93.

Nadworny, E. (2019). College students: How to make office hours less scary. National Public Radio. Retrieved from

Nowak, Z. (2021). Why I require office hours visits. Opinion: Teaching and Learning, Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved from

Smith, M., Chen, Y., Berndtson, R., Burson, K. M., & Griffin, W. (2017). “Office Hours Are Kind of Weird”: Reclaiming a Resource to Foster Student-Faculty Interaction. InSight: A Journal of Scholarly Teaching, 12, 14-29.

Supporting Students’ Return to Campus

Jennifer Jaiswal  Jennifer Jaiswal, Instructional Designer & Sr Instructional Technologist 

The pandemic and move to remote online learning over the last year and a half or so has exposed the realities of our students’ lives and highlighted some of the inequities that exist. It is important to be mindful that our students may have been affected by these social changes. Maintaining the empathy and compassion from the past year will be important as we transition and move forward and ask: What have we learned from our remote teaching experiences that we can continue to incorporate into our courses?


Communicating regularly with our students and being very explicit about course information, course expectations, office hours, policies, etc., should be detailed in the syllabus. One strategy to ensure students read the syllabus is to give them a low stakes quiz about the important information or record a syllabus overview video and make it available in Blackboard.

It is considered good practice to send an announcement via Blackboard at least 24 hours before the start of class. This might include explicit directions to your classroom if you are teaching face-to-face as well as the schedule and other important information for the first day of class.


During the pandemic, many faculty incorporated more technology into their course to help with the transition to remote learning. Many of these resources can be helpful and useful for students even when returning to face-to-face instruction.

Blackboard is a great repository for course materials and resources and many other technologies like Zoom, VoiceThread, Echo 360, etc., are integrated into Blackboard. Using Blackboard as a resource repository helps you and the students manage course documents, media, grades, and communication in one place. Using the discussion boards, VoiceThread, and Zoom recordings can help extend the learning environment beyond the classroom and class time. The Zoom integration allows you the opportunity to to record short demonstrations or clarifying remarks and posting them for students to watch or rewatch as many times as they need to.

Assessment and Grading:

Having a couple of small, low stakes assessments in the first couple of weeks can help students build confidence and ease anxiety about the course. Providing flexibility in assignments and exam design such as using more open assessments and less closed assessments (i.e., multiple choice tests) follow good assessment practices. We recommend that rather than having a few large, high stakes assessments that you break those assessments into smaller ones with each having less overall weight on the students’ grade. 

Group Activities:

Getting students working together became more important but also more challenging during the pandemic. Consider how you might group students and possibly keep them working together for a large part of the semester. Returning to the classroom after the pandemic, students are likely to be eager to connect with their classmates. What technologies (VoiceThread, discussion boards, etc.) might be used to facilitate those groups in and out of the classroom?

Group Contracts – for project-based groups, they can be useful as they lay out expectations of the group members including communication policy so the groups have a guideline on how to interact. 

As we return to campus and into the classroom, it will be important to continue to extend the empathy and understanding to our students as they return. With the situation ever changing, it will be important to be flexible as institutional protocol may change throughout the semester.

Dickinson, A. (2017). Communicating with the Online Student: The Impact of E-Mail Tone on Student Performance and Teacher Evaluations. Journal of Educators Online, 14(2), n2.