Tag Archives: Meet CELT

Meet CELT! Marla Gorman

Get to know CELT better! This week we find out more about Marla Gorman, Testing Center Coordinator. 

Marla GormanWhat is your favorite part of your job?

I thoroughly enjoy my interactions with the students. I am, most times, the first instructor/professional they meet because I proctor the mandatory Math Placement Exams throughout Orientation Week(s). I feel it’s my obligation to answer questions or address concerns they may have and I strongly encourage them to be their best advocate. I remind them that we (SBU Faculty and Staff) are here to make their higher education successful and should be accountable for any shortcomings. 

What did you do prior to working in CELT?

I worked 20+ years in Corporate America as a Production/Project Manager for a Point-of-Purchase Display Company. I negotiated pricing and oversaw production and delivery of goods with firm delivery dates. I definitely had to soften my tactics when it came to accepting contracted prices and lax delivery times. 15 years later and I’m still adjusting!

Coffee or tea?

I prefer tea unless I need a caffeine boost. Tea is soothing for mind, body and soul. Sharing a cup of tea is how I spend lots of my quality time with my family and friends. No flavored teas… just a nice, smooth black leaf blend. 

Where would you like to visit (real or fictional)?

I would love to visit Iceland and see the Northern Lights. They seem so mystical to me and I’m convinced if I made a wish on those cosmic lights, my dreams would come true.

What was the last book you read? 

Fascism: A Warning by Madeleine Alright

Meet CELT! Kristin Hall

Get to know CELT better! This week we find out more about Kristin Hall, Instructional Designer. 

Kristin HallWhat is your favorite part of your job?

I enjoy creating learning content and building courses so they are engaging, easy to navigate, and based on research in the learning sciences.

What did you do prior to working in CELT?

I was an Academic Advisor for 8 years and also worked in the Library as a Learning Outcomes and Assessment Specialist for 2 year before joining CELT. 

Coffee or tea?


Where would you like to visit (real or fictional)?

I would love to visit New Zealand and Australia one day. 

What was the last book you read? 

Uncommon Sense Teaching by Barbara Oakley

Meet CELT! Neill Clenaghan

Get to know CELT better! This week we find out more about Neill Clenaghan, ExamSoft Administrator.

Neill ClenaghanWhat is your favorite part of your job?

Getting students on board with the ExamSoft exam system with the least number of problems to them, and teaching faculty to use the ExamSoft system for authoring their own exam content.

What did you do prior to working in CELT?

Lets see it’s a long list – Server administration, Videoconferencing administration, Assistant Registrar, Case Management in a Sheltered Workshop, Shoe Salesman, Hotline Administrator….and numerous part-time experiments.

Coffee or tea?

Oh most definitely COFFEE!

Where would you like to visit (real or fictional)?

New Zealand, Paris again (in the Spring), Denmark, Chile, Seattle, and Portland (OR)….the list goes on.

What was the last book you read? 

Modern Death by Haider Warraich

Meet CELT! Kimberly Bell

Get to know CELT better! This week we find out more about Kimberly Bell, Teaching Assistant Development Specialist. 

Kimberly BellWhat is your favorite part of your job?

Teaching our enthusiastic and passionate postdocs, graduate, and undergraduate students.

What did you do prior to working in CELT?

Prior to my current position, I was a postdoc in CELT for 4 years, and before that I was a lecturer in Undergraduate Biology (2016-17), Workshop Supervisor for the Alda Center (2015-16), and PhD student in Genetics (2010-2015) at SBU.

Coffee or tea?

Both, but not at the same time 🙂 

Where would you like to visit (real or fictional)?

Oh, so many places, but my top two right now are Puerto Rico and Wales/England/Northern France (my COVID-postponed 10-year wedding anniversary trip).

What was the last book you read? 

I am currently reading “Teaching to Transgress” by bell hooks, and recently finished  “The Address” by Fiona Davis.  

Meet CELT! Catherine Scott

Get to know CELT better! We will begin our series by finding out more about Catherine Scott, Assistant Director for Faculty Development – Testing, Assessment & Evaluation.

Congratulations to Catherine, who will be the new Director for Educational Effectiveness starting March 1st. We will miss her in CELT, but look forward to working with Catherine in her new role.

Catherine Scott

What is your favorite part of your job?

My favorite part of is helping faculty and staff collect the data they need to showcase all of the great things happening in and out of the classroom.

What did you do prior to working in CELT?

Prior to working in CELT, I worked at Suffolk County Community College as a student assistant. It was my job to manually enter course feedback from surveys into spreadsheets.

Coffee or tea?

Honestly, I could be happy with either. I like to tell myself that coffee wakes me up in the morning, while tea just makes me feel better throughout the day.

Where would you like to visit (real or fictional)?

No doubt Bora Bora! I can’t wait to be in a hut on the beach. I love the water and I need the sun.

What was the last book you read? 

Feeding the Soul by Tabitha Brown


Note: Updated 2/13/22