4. Language

  • Chinese traditional language

After communication and trade in clothes, spice, and wood products between China and other countries in east Asia, Japan and Korea started to absorb Chinese classics, and started to accept Chinese traditional ritual, especially in confucianism, which is the the essential part of Chang’An culture. In Glorious Tang Era(ZhenGuan 1st year to KaiYuan), WenYan and Traditional Chinese characters are official language. For example, Ouyang Xun’s Calligraphy(regular script)and Liu Gongquan’s Calligraphy are the masterpiece, we still treat them as artwork of calligraphylots of people imitate their work for hundreds of years. This effect had great influence to aftercoming society. Even in 19 century, both countries can communicate in letter, or called ”bi tan” without any translation.

Jiu Cheng Gong and Duo Bao Ta Inscriptions


  • The language spread from Tang to Silla-Korea

Tang was warring with Silla between 668-676 A.D. Tang won this war and north part of Silla became Tang China’s territory, Protectorate General to Pacify the East. Therefor north part Silla start to use Literary Speech, which was WenYan. The south part of Silla  became tributary of Tang dynasty under Imperial Chinese tributary system. Silla sent there prince and princess to “Guozijian” which is supreme university in Chang’An city to learn Chang’An culture and confucianism. Also, Silla used reign title of Tang dynasty. Archaeologist found some stone with traditional Chinese words”调露二年” in Wild duck pond Gyeongju. The year title of Tang Gaozong changed frequently and Silla was able to promptly adopt the Year of the Tang Dynasty, indicating that the relationship between the two sides has been restored and the communication have become more frequent. In 681, the king of the Silla Emperor Wenwu died. Although the Tang dynasty did not mourn for it, but still canonized the Shenwen king. During the era of King Wenwen, some new systems were implemented to stabilize the regime such as founding Chinese studies in 682 and dividing up field in 687. That means Silla gradually absorbs Chang’an’s cultural and administrative experience.

The national boundaries after the war


  • Japanese missions to Imperial China

Japan sent the Japanese missions to the capital of imperial China, Chang An, to learn the advanced Chinese culture from 630AD. There were many people during these missions. For example, Abe nakamaro is one of the international student from Nana era in Japan, participate in the imperial examinations in Kaiyuan year, and became an officer in Tang imperial system. He was a great politician from Japan in Tang dynasty. In 753 A.D., He brought back a variety of Chang’an cultural books and then Japan began to use large amounts of Chinese characters and the title of years. Japan continues this tradition until today.

The trip line for Japanese missions to Imperial China

Abe nakamaro finally died in Chang An after he came from China. Li Bai wrote the poem below to memorize Abe.