Microsoft Office
- Used Power Point to create presentations to others.
- Used Excel to chart stock prices and to make calculations
- Used One Notes for taking clear and clean notes for future use
- Have used Outlook to send an email
- Publisher to make a card for family
- Great organizational skills
- Created name tags
- Found documents easily
- Helped professionals in viewing documents
- Played the violin
I’ve played the violin since I was in elementary school. It was originally a requirement for school but as years went by and the more I practiced I began to love the violin. It is a very peaceful instrument. I am not an expert at the violin and while I still play the violin to this day and find it calming.
- Learning to play the piano
The violin that spurred my interest in the piano. I always found it fascinating when my teacher would play a piece of music we were playing on the piano. The piano is basically all the orchestra instruments in one and I liked it for that aspect. There is so much skill that goes into playing one. Knowing where to place your hands, and what octaves you’re in. I thought this would be easy. I knew some of the notes because I played the violin but after actually trying it was so difficult to remember the bass clef notes. I have a little key board and it is quite the struggle but I’m getting there. I am determined to play the piano and I wall accomplish my goal!!
- Having nights with the family
I am also a very family oriented person. I love spending time with my family watching movies and talking to them about my life. They have always supported me and cared for me and I am always grateful for their support and help in my life. I know I would not be where I am today without them.
- Reading books
Finally there are books. I was never a big book reader but I like them quite a bit when I do read them. I have fallen victim to main stream media. Yes I have Twilight in my room. I love supernatural books and I also love adventure books. I like when my mind gets taken to another world. I love to explore and to see new places which is what fascinate me the most about adventure books.