The Experience

Speech and Debate

Speech and Debate was an amazing experience. It was quite exciting. I’ve never had to stand in front of a crowd and speak before. At first I was scared. I don’t like messing up in front of others also there was the fact that most of the people around me were more experienced that I was when it came to this. I remember my first time. I was nervous and there was nothing in front of me. debate_wordleThere was nothing to read from, no notes on what to say and how to say it. It was just me and the audience. I messed up quite a bit. I stumbled on words and sometimes I would draw a blank on what I wanted to say but the crowd was supportive and so were the others presenting. When I got stuck they snapped along to help me and they smiled. It was so obvious I was new. Although I didn’t stay in the club long I got more comfortable speaking before others. I learned to be more confident in my words and to speak clearly. I needed to enunciate and to use the right body language. Don’t be stiff and smile.


When it comes to the biology club was a lot of fun. I worked with a lot of good groups and I got to hear a lot of amazing speeches on their life experiences. There was always something we were learning and they gave a lot of advice on how to conduct yourself professionally. I learned a lot keep-calm-and-join-biology-club-about some common mistakes that people make when they originally start out as a doctor and that they aren’t to get discouraged if they slip up. Timing is key with anything. It was stretched that we should get to know our teachers outside of the class room. Don’t be afraid to speak up and ask questions that way when you need references and you need to network. That goes for any field but most people don’t naturally think about that when get into college. Then there is a mad rush to let someone know they exist so they get the reference they need. Preparedness is the name of the game.