Related Courses

Stony Brook University

Politics and Society

We studied the politics of the Classical Age if Greece. After reading selections in Plato’s Republic and Aristotle’s Ethics and Politics the class discussed how this fit into today’s society and how it has greatly influenced American culture. We learned about where the ideas that our founding fathers used when creating our constitution.

Intro to Symbolic Logic

This course allows you to study the basic of logic. We learned syntax using logical symbols. We discussed the basics of language and why it works. Using deduction we constructed simple logical arguments and solved them. 

Modern Philosophy

This course discusses the modern period in philosophy begins in the early seventeenth century, as scientists such as Galileo started to develop a “new science,” and as Europe was embroiled in a period of political upheaval and religious turmoil. Against this background, the philosophers of the seventeenth and eighteenth century examined the foundations of science and mathematics, the extent of human knowledge,the nature of the human mind, the nature of the political state, and the existence and nature of God. This course examined central philosophical debates of this time period, by reading influential seventeenth and eighteenth century thinkers, including Descartes, Hobbes, Malebranche, Locke, Leibniz, Berkeley, Hume and Kant.

Nassau Community College

Interpersonal Communications

This course is a study of the historical and contemporary principles and concepts of human communication. An examination of the interpersonal communication process will help the student gain an awareness of the elements which both aid and hinder communication. Skills which will increase communication effectiveness will be studied, including verbal and nonverbal behavior, listening, assertiveness, and conflict resolution. Course will incorporate an analysis of theoretical applications