Author Archives: Ming Sun

Chen lab contributed to the SUBMERGE Marine Science Festival 2024

Jenny and Krystina hosted the SoMAS booth of the Hudson River Biological Monitoring Progam at the Submerge Marine Science Festival 2024. Below are some of their reflections:

“We had a great time at the Hudson River Submerge Fest! The weather was perfect, and the volunteers were super enthusiastic, helping us set up our booth quickly. We had flyers about our school, college, and programs, but the big hits were the microscope activity and the matching game. Lots of parents brought their kids, and it was awesome to see how excited the little ones were to look at the samples from the Hudson River under the microscope.

There were many other schools and organizations at the event too. NYU was there, along with the New York Aquarium and the Billion Oyster Project. Monmouth University showed its research vessel, and the Wildlife Institute of Eastern NY brought some amazing birds of prey like owls and hawks. The Brooklyn Bridge Park Conservancy had a cool setup with local wildlife in a water tank.

It was a fantastic event to connect with future marine biologists and collaborate with other groups passionate about marine science and the environment.”

Congrats Stephanie on being awarded the Mark B. Bain Doctoral Fellowship from the Hudson River Foundation

Chen Lab PhD Stephanie Arsenault is awarded the Mark B. Bain Doctoral Fellowship from the Hudson River Foundation. Her accepted proposal is Spatiotemporal dynamics of suitable spawning habitat for bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli) in a changing Hudson River Estuary.
For details of the Mark B. Bain Doctoral Fellowship please see: