About Us

Coastal and Hydraulic Engineering Research Laboratory (CHERL) was established in spring 2017 at Stony Brook University. The lab offers a wide range of research opportunities to study topics on coastal engineering, fluid mechanics and hydraulics in civil engineering. Our state-of-the-art combined wave and bi-directional current flume and other advanced instrumentation are used to conduct experiments on coastal structures, beach morphology, marine and hydrokinetic energy, open channel flow and other applications.

The CHERL also offers various educational and outreach opportunities to students of all ages, including K-12, undergraduate, and graduate as well as to those who are excited to learn about ocean waves and beaches with engineering applications.

We are located in the basement of the Heavy Engineering Building, on the main campus of Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, New York.

You can find the direction of the CHERL here.

005A Heavy Engineering Building, Stony Brook, New York 11790