WRT 302 Progess Report (for that final project)

So.. This project, as are all projects (especially those with the word FINAL before them), is quite stressful.



-Drafts for the intended poem (all of which I still feel lacking)

-Performed pieces by others (Sarah Kay’s “If I Should Have a Daughter” and “A Love Letter”) in the confines of my dorm room.. alone

-Experienced my first spoken word performance at NSCS’s Stand Up for Community Event from Steven Licardi (though not as enlightening and awe inspiring as Firsts are made out to be, it was definitely captivating and motivating)

-Attempted to finalize my project and its premise

-Played around with Windows Movie Maker and Qualtrics



-Conclude my research to write up my essay

-Refine my poem

-And perform it (else I’ll get cold feet when I make it public)

-Find a way to get interviewees (that’s not biased or ineffective)

-Secure recording equipment

-Talk with Dini Zimmerman (just for ideas and fun)

-Study for my PSY 103 exam on Thursday.. And Orgo. And Bio..



My digital story is a performance piece of a spoken word poem by me, and my final project will be a look on SBU’s campus and its take on introversion. What I intend is to shed a light on introversion (not praise it, convert people over to it, or redefine it). So, my written piece will have a research part, which talks about introversion, its contrasting partner, extroversion, and what it implies in society today (as well as the past). It will also chronicle the process I took to make my project, as I consider the topic to be quite personal to me. Hopefully it wont be too personal, and more professional, but I think, with my involvement in the digital story, it’ll be more casual than I’d like for a 6-10 page paper.



I will be finding individuals on campus, either in person, or over the web to take a survey that asks of introversion, how they feel about it, whether or not they categorize themselves as such and how much of a presence they think it is on campus. Then, I can conclude the impact and perception of introversion, see if it coincides with my own, and consider the implications of such results. I think the digital story and final project may be a little dissonant at the moment. (I will keep you/me posted)

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