Week 4 : 2/19


Helping at the account terminals in Main
Helping at the account terminals in Main


2/16 Today I shadowed Adrienne for an hour and then Jenney afterwards. During my time with Adrienne, she spent a good portion of the time going over ITSM with me since she had just received phone calls that required the submission of tickets. She left one issue un-ticketed for the sake of teaching me. A graduate student called about the Harriman Philosophy Grad Lab’s computer problems. The first thing Adrienne said to do when dealing with non SINC sites is to check to see if any of these computer labs on campus are TLT supported, which can be accessed through Blackboard. I learned that the Philosophy Grad Lab computers are indeed supported by TLT. If a lab is not supported then the best option is to redirect the individual to another specialist, or encourage them to put in a ticket themselves. It is of utmost importance to get the user’s information like ID, NetID or full name, of which is to be entered into the “Requester” and “Requested For” areas. Then she walked me through the ticketing with this issue. Afterwards, we scrolled through the Service Catalog and went over briefly workshops, response sheets, and presentations/documentations.

With Jenney, a phone call came in and I was given the opportunity to talk the call. There was a user who had changed her NetID password the day before, but when using it that day she was unable to sign on to either Blackboard or her email. I attempted to direct her to SOLAR to change her password again, but unfortunately, SOLAR was actually down for maintenance at that time. My only solution was sending in an ITSM ticket for her, which Jenney and I did, and then we gave her the ticket number to keep track of her case in the chance an email would be sent to her. Afterwards we talked about public workshops and how to deal with responses and send out a proper email to individuals who signed up. We ended the session with Jenney going over the advantages of being a part of the Student Support Line and what kind of skills we can garner such as communication, presentation, management and leadership skills. Jenney had only good things to talk about the internship and Senior Consultant position, and was very encouraging throughout our first shadowing session together.

2/17 I shadowed Jeff at 9 AM in Main, and the first thing he did, and advised me to do, was to take a walk around Main in order to check up on everything. He said it was very important to make certain that no food or drinks were out, no “Out of Order” signs were around (and to check to see if there was a ticket in if a sign was there), recycle bins were emptied and that nothing was out of place. That morning there were multiple printing problems with jobs being uploaded to Pharos, or even any jobs printing out after being released at the Omega stations, so we had to deal with some users. At the end of our session, Jeff briefly went over scheduling, and the necessary email format to send out to consultants for sign up.

At 1 PM, I had a second shadow session with Michelle and Eugenie. It was a very hectic hour, so we only were able to cover Sparky/Unix and site meetings. A user can in saying that she was unable to access her Sparky account, so Eugenie led me to the account terminals to show me how to start an account, and how to reset a password. On the consultant computer, I was taught to use Secure Shell Client, which enabled me to run the user’s Sparky account information. Michelle went over scheduling site meetings and how to send out emails since she was in the midst of doing hers, and told me about 25Live and the importance of looking at site bookings and class schedules.



Today in class, Pam taught her lesson on Customer Service. We started class watching a video to delineate what a proper employee ought to do. The video focused on an individual who was very rude, irresponsible and overall incompetent. We picked apart his faults, and then Pam took that time to review the proper conduct of a consultant. We went over late policies, lost and found policies, dress code, behavior and other soft skills that can be applied to not just this job. Pam promoted the importance of us as interns, and hopefully future Senior Consultants, to display a proper image and example for other consultants in the future. I found the class a fun, more personal class for us all to dwell on issues that immediately impact us as consultants in TLT.

4 thoughts on “Week 4 : 2/19

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