3/2 Today in the morning, I encountered a problem regarding a user’s card not being able to read through at the Omega station. Jeff went through the standard procedures about how to deal with users like that: a Word document must be opened, and then the card will be swiped at the 2 readers at the front desk (the campus card office reader and the Pharos reader). Jeff went over the issues that would make a card unusable, and how to help users go around their problems. We spent some time going over what the proper way is to delegate other consultants as I had concerns over how to properly confront other workmates and ask them to do a job that I’ve previously was told to do. Jeff told me that the best way is to keep a respectful and professional approach with others and to just gauge the circumstance.
In the afternoon, Michelle went through in detail a lot of specifics about SOLAR and NetID accounts. She was extremely thorough in her run through, and continuously kept me on my toes by asking about matters that I never came across during my time as a consultant. When it comes to Michelle, I feel a strong sense of professionalism that she’s very capable of maintaining. She provides a good example of a Senior Consultant who is very knowledgeable and approachable.
I also made up my TLL shadow hour with Glen in the afternoon. He took a good time running over Blackboard issues, seeing how there was an email from a faculty member during our hour. He went over more about the role that Jennifer Jaiswal plays at Stony Brook as the Blackboard specialist.
3/3 I made up another TLL shadow hour with Nujbat. She was very accommodating and asked what stuff I wanted to go over. I told her my concerns about my documentation assignment and future documentation for any kind of workshop I’d be interested in teaching later. Nujbat gave a short, interactive lesson on Google Apps. We went over Google Contacts, Sites, Forms, and Sheets. It was a very important set of skills I think any student should know about given that we are granted unlimited storage on Google Drive as a part of Stony Brook University. I felt like I learned a whole bunch of useful skills that I can even take outside my workplace.
In class today, Rich went over what it meant to deliver a good presentation. This was a good follow up to his class last week about proper documentation, as that supplements a well conveyed presentation. Then as a class, he had us perform short 1 to 2 minutes presentation on any topic that we are knowledgeable on. Having seen the other intern’s interests and topics, I felt like I got to know them a bit better as we were able to talk freely about a fun topic of our choosing. I myself had done one on the art of making perfect omelettes (for me at least). Afterwards, we took a tour of the LLRC, the Language Learning and Research Center, of which I never knew existed until that day.