Week 11 : 4/8


4/4  I shadow in Main for one hour and then immediately move to TLL for another hour. In these 2 hours, I shadow two of the more experienced Senior Consultants, who I personally feel are more than competent at their job despite their individualistic approaches. In Main, Ming and LuLu went through a lot of review material to test if I knew my stuff. I’ve seen Ming work in Main as well as work up close with the consultants in her site. Thus, as a consultant who worked in her site last semester, I got to see how Ming interacted with her coworkers and what her expectations were. I want to learn more from her in regards to site managing because she is always on top of her work to make sure that her site is well kept. In TLL, I shadowed Helen, who let me sit at the Consultant’s seat. I’ve worked with Helen previously over the winter, and I got to learn about her amazing professionalism and maturity at the workplace. Helen is beyond knowledgeable, setting the bar quite high for us interns. Between these two Senior Consultants, I realize that there are many different ways one can carry themselves around the workplace. I hope to be able to find a nice medium between the two.

4/5  I shadowed David in Main. He was very encouraging and helpful with my current work progress, as he perused through my blog and my e-Portfolio. I asked him questions about the Google Site, as David had the same topic for his final presentation during his internship class, and he was able to provide me with nice pointers. Usually in Main, I am just placed in the front to handle issues and phone calls to the best of my ability so that I can garner more experience.

4/6 I shadowed David TLL, where he had me perform as the Senior Consultant during the hour. It was a slow hour unfortunately, but it gave me a opportunity to work on the necessary assignments for the internship class.



Today in class we went to take a quick tour of the Testing Center in Frey Hall, where Marla gave a run down on the facilities that they provide students. Afterwards, we had a session with Diana. She was very passionate about her work and urged us, as the front faces of TLT, to give her suggestions and help with maintaining a welcoming and useful technological environment, with the proper resources and services for all those about campus. We got to talk about what kind of innovations we’d like to see around the school, as well as to hear TLT’s side when it comes to implementing new services around. I think it was an important session to have with Diana, so that we as interns can actually see what happens in the management of TLT, and come up with means for us to facilitate the experience for the student body, faculty and staff as well as us.

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