Week 12 : 4/15


During my mentoring hours, I have been mainly spending time working on my e-Portfolio, Google Site and SB You Blog. Most of the hours are pretty slow. I am grateful that in TLL, Helen and David allow me to take charge of the desk and act as the current Senior Consultant for that hour, taking calls, ITSMing and helping other users. I am starting to get a feel for how busy TLL can be, and how to manage my time and attention properly. On Wednesday with David, I had two phone calls and one chat all in one period, one right after another. To be honest, it was a stressing situation because I did not feel entirely qualified to answer all questions, but luckily I was able to reach out for help. Knowing that I have all these backup support teams, be it my own coworkers, Pam and Rose, or the other faculty members, was a very reassuring fact for me.

On Monday in Main, we encountered an unexpected problem where there was an ant infestation. It put me in a slight frenzy because Pam and Rose were not in the office at the time and I had to take charge to eliminate the issue and notify my superiors of the incident in the proper manner. It was a learning experience not often chanced upon.



In class today, we took a tour of the Humanities, History and SBS SINC Sites. At SBS, Steven, Kevin and Frank gave us a brief introduction to Sparky/UNIX. I have personally have no coding experience whatsoever, so I thought it was a really fun learning experience. I think it is amazing that Stony Brook offers web space to us students. Individuals who are more adept with the computer and its functions have the liberty to make use of this and can let their imagination run free however they please. I hope to expand my knowledge of coding after this, and create a webpage that represents my interests and skills in the future.

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